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4th Tuesday Conservation Lecture Jan. 28th

Tuesday, January 28th – 7:00 pm

Zoom Doors will open at 6:30 pm

“Honeybee Health, Bee Hotels, and the CIBER Team behind the Science”

Presented by
Emilia Burnham, B.S., UC Riverside Entomology M.S. – Class of 2025

Our guest speaker, Emilia Burnham, B.S., UC Riverside Entomology M.S., Class of 2025, will share information about the Center for Integrative Bee Research (CIBER) research lab at the University of California, Riverside, and their research that focuses on three main honeybee areas:

  • health management tools through developing medications and innovative ways to repel bees from dangerous areas, like insecticide-treated crops;
  • monitoring of bee health using sensors;
  • breeding better bees that can defend against pests and pathogens, like Varroa destructor and Nosema ceranae, and are heat-tolerant.

Emilia will also share information about CIBER’s studies on the effectiveness of bee hotels and observing the insect biodiversity of those that occupy them. 

Please join us. Advance registration is required. Register here for this event.

Upon registering you will receive instructions on how to join the program. We look forward to seeing you!

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