“4th Tues.”
Conservation Lecture
Tuesday, September 26th – 7:00 pm
Zoom Doors will open at 6:30 pm
“Political Advocacy at Sea and Sage Audubon Society”
presented by Vic Leipzig and the Legislation & Advocacy Subcommittee
From its beginnings Sea and Sage has been an environmental advocacy organization working to protect our local birds and natural habitats. Recently to help us address the present-day global challenges that threaten our local habitats and quality of life, the Conservation Committee formed a new subcommittee, Legislation & Advocacy (L&A). Join us to hear about this team’s journey so far.
Vic will present a brief but informative program on how election results have impacted Orange County’s district boundaries and current state and county representation.
The team will report on L&A’s activities in the 2023 legislative session, including the legislative bills the team tracked through committee and on to passage or failure. We will also hear about Sea and Sage’s meetings with legislators advocating for the passage of bills to protect the environment.
Finally, you will hear about opportunities for you to become involved.
Advance registration is required for this meeting.
Register with this link:
Advance Registration
In addition, if you have attended a prior virtual ‘4
th Tues.’, you will receive notice by email to register for this month’s ‘4
th Tues.’.
Please join us!