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DIRECTIONS to the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary
The Sanctuary is open every day from dawn until dusk. Audubon House is open daily, except for major holidays, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
When driving south on the San Diego Freeway (405), exit on Jamboree and turn right. At the first signal, which is Michelson, turn left. Continue on Michelson (past the old entrance to the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary) to the 5th signal which is Harvard and turn right. Drive on to University and turn right. Drive to Campus Drive and turn right. Stay in the right lane for a short distance and immediately turn right onto Riparian View which is marked by a dark green sign identifying it as the entrance to the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary. (If you miss the turn and reach Carlson instead, just turn right and go around the block again to Harvard.)
When driving north on the San Diego Freeway (405), exit on Culver and turn left. Drive to University Drive and turn right. Stay on University to Campus Drive where you will again turn right. Stay in the right lane for a short distance and immediately turn right onto Riparian View which is marked by a dark green sign identifying it as the entrance to the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary. (If you miss this turn and reach Carlson instead, just turn right and go around the block again to Harvard.)
When driving from Pacific Coast Highway Turn north onto Jamboree Rd, drive approximately 3 miles then turn right onto University Rd., continue on for 1.4 miles, then turn left onto Campus Dr. Drive, go 500 ft, stay in the right lane and immediately turn right onto Riparian View which is marked by a dark green sign identifying it as the entrance to the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary. (If you miss this turn and reach Carlson instead, just turn right and go around the block again to Harvard.)
Audubon House

photo by David Weber
Audubon House is open daily, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except on major holidays. The San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary is open every day, including major holidays, from dawn to dusk.
Chapter Phone:
Phone: (949) 261-7963
We answer the phone during regular business hours; we are open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. If we do not answer your call, please leave us a message and we will be glad to return your call. If you are trying to contact one of our Chapter Officers, Committee Chairpersons, or other Chapter related Personnel, go to the page on Chapter Personnel.
Chapter Mailing Address:
Sea & Sage Audubon Society
PO Box 5447
Irvine CA 92616-5447
Audubon House
Audubon House is the home of Sea & Sage Audubon Society. Inside the building is a wide selection of materials including a reference library, a fully equipped nature bookstore, and some taxidermied birds. (See table below for more information.) We hope you will pay us a visit soon.
(Mail orders not available at this time.)
Chapter Book Store
Reference Library
Optics for Loan
Recent Bird Sightings on the Bird Board
SJWS Trail Map and Rules
Checklist of Birds at the SJWS
Notebook of Plants at the SJWS (photos)
Sea & Sage Nature Store
Located inside Audubon House
Open 8:00 – 4:00 daily except major holiday’s
Phone: 949-261-7963

It is our policy at The Sea & Sage Nature Store to sell products sourced from companies that are taking steps to limit harm to our planet. We will make every effort to bring you eco-friendly products, locally sourced from independent crafts people whenever possible.
Make a statement with your shopping dollars and support a non-profit protecting birds and their habitats through education, citizen science, research, and advocacy.
All proceed go to Sea and Sage Audubon.

The Birds of Orange County, CA
Status and Distribution
by Rob Hamilton and Doug Willick
published by the Sea & Sage Press
Sea & Sage Audubon Society
Irvine, California. 1996
price: $16 + shipping & handling (see chart below)
Atlas of Breeding Birds
Orange County, CA
Sylvia Gallagher, editor & Principal Author
published by the Sea & Sage Press
Sea & Sage Audubon Society
Irvine, California. 1997
price: $10 + shipping & handling (see chart below)
Learning California Bird Sounds
by Sylvia Ranney Gallagher
Includes songs & calls of 89 species.
(Flash drive with introductory & practice sounds, worksheets)
$39 + shipping & handling (see chart below)
For information about the birds covered on this flash drive, click here.
Learning MORE California Bird Sounds
by Sylvia Ranney Gallagher
Includes songs & calls of 74 species.
(Flash drive with introductory & practice sounds, worksheets)
$39 + shipping & handling (see chart below)
For information about the birds covered on this flash drive, click here.
Learning Western Mountain Bird Sounds
by Sylvia Ranney Gallagher
From the Rockies to the Pacific Coast, including High and northern valleys
Includes songs & calls of 74 species.
(Flash drive with introductory & over 500 practice sounds, worksheets)
$39 + shipping & handling (see chart below)
For information about the birds covered on this flash drive, click here.
Learning Desert Bird Sounds
by Sylvia Ranney Gallagher
Covers all US Deserts and the Colorado Plateau
(Flash drive with introductory & 450 practice sounds, worksheets and answers to practice sounds)
$39 + shipping & handling (see chart below)
For information about the birds covered on this flash drive, click here.
Tax is included in the price of your purchase
We do not accept credit cards payments for mail orders.
Mail your order along with a check to:
Sea & Sage Audubon
Attn: Catherine Steinberg
PO BOX 5447
Irvine, CA 92626
Purchase Price
$ 1 — $49
$ 50 — 99
$ 100 & over
Shipping & Handling
$ 8.00
$ 12.00
$ 16.00