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4th Tuesday Conservation Lecture

Tuesday, February 25th – 7:00 PM
Zoom Doors will open at 6:30 PM

Featuring 3 Protected Local Species

“California Gnatcatcher Study at UCI Marsh Reserve”

California Gnatcatcher

Presented by Karly Moore
Senior Consulting Biologist
Institute for Conservation Research and Education (IRCE)

Since graduating from Humboldt State University, our first guest, Karly Moore, has worked with numerous threatened and endangered species projects, and extensively with the California Gnatcatcher. Tonight, she will discuss her recent project leading the effort to study the reproduction and dispersal of gnatcatchers at the UC Irvine San Joaquin Marsh Reserve.

“California Least Terns and the Western Snowy Plovers at Huntington State Beach”

California Least Tern
Western Snowy Plover

Presented by Lana Nguyen, Senior Environmental Scientist, and Brittany Poloni, Environmental Scientist

Next, Lana Nguyen and Brittany Poloni will share information on two local coastal species, the Western Snowy Plover and California Least Tern. We will learn how State Parks Volunteer Docent Programs contribute to nesting success and public outreach. We will also find out how we can participate!

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