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4th Tuesday Conservation Lecture

“Cutting Edge Research on Plastic Pollution”

 ‘4th Tues.’ Conservation Lecture 

Tuesday, April 25 – 7:00 pm



presented by Captain Charles Moore &

Executive Director, Shelly Moore

Many of you will remember that in 2015, Captain Charles Moore of the Algalita Foundation gave Sea and Sage an eye-opening talk about the “Great Pacific Garbage Gyre”, which he came across on his return trip from a yacht race. Since then, we have learned there are other garbage gyres around the planet and that three years ago, Captain Moore established a sister organization, the Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research.

This month, Captain Moore returns for a second visit with Sea and Sage, teaming up with his Executive Director, Shelly Moore (no relation), to bring us up to date about their latest work with the State Water Resources Control Board to determine the amounts of plastic in drinking water.  The Captain and Shelly are excited to present their cutting-edge plastic pollution research.

Sea and Sage looks forward to seeing Captain Moore again, to meeting Executive Director Shelly Moore, and to the opportunity to learn more about plastic pollution research. We hope you will join us and look forward to seeing you!

Please join us. Advance registration is required for this meeting. Click Here to Register

Zoom Doors will open at 6:30 pm