Sea and Sage Audubon
Bird Embroidery Class
with Sylvia Gallagher
Class starts July 15

Many people have enjoyed looking at Sylvia Gallagher’s hand-embroidered birds–on quilts, pictures, and shirts–and wondered how she does it. For at least nine Saturday mornings, July 15 through Sept. 16 (longer if interest persists), 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 pm, she will teach a workshop, sponsored by SEA AND SAGE AUDUBON, on how to do this sort of embroidery. Participants will learn how to select a bird picture, transfer it to cloth, select embroidery floss colors, and do the stitches to bring the bird to life. The stitches involved are mostly her versions of satin stitch and long-and-short stitches which are quite different from those described in most embroidery books and websites. Occasionally other stitches such as French knots, outline stitch, blanket stitch, etc., are used for accents.
Individualized instruction will allow the class to accommodate all levels of embroidery skill–beginner to expert–and all will find themselves learning new techniques. You will be taught how to do satin and long-and-short and any other stitches you need and are unfamiliar with–and maybe even a better way to thread a needle. The cost for the class is $100.00 for new students, $60.00 for continuing students, who will need less assistance. This price includes a new illustrated document explaining in detail how to do the two main stitches.
Repeaters are urged to sign up again and continue to develop their skills. This class is open to men, as well as women. Come on, guys, be the fifth man to give it a try!
At the first session, beginners will learn and practice two stitches and learn how to get started on their choice of one of two class projects. Continuing students should come ready to work on and receive help with a project. Samples of Sylvia’s embroidery will be on display.
At the second session (July 22), Sylvia will present a slide-illustrated program, In it, she will take you step- by-step through the entire process of converting to stitches a painting or photograph of a bird. (This process is fully applicable to subjects other than birds.) This program will be presented via Zoom, so you’ll attend this session from home.
The class will be limited to 12 participants and will be canceled if fewer than eight registrations are received by July 5. Please do not sign up if you expect to miss more than two meetings. (Exceptions may be made if there is room.) If you have not seen the introductory slide lecture, you must attend the second meeting, July 22. There will be a number of additional spaces for those who just want to attend the July 22 slide lecture ($15.00).
If you also want the publication on how to do the stitches, it will be an additional $25.00. Postage will be extra if you can’t come to Sylvia’s house to pick it up.
The class location is Sylvia’s air-conditioned home in Huntington Beach. Send your reservation form, a check for the fee(s), and a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) to Embroidery, Sylvia Gallagher, 21562 Kaneohe Ln., Huntington Beach, CA 92646. Reservations must be postmarked (or hand-delivered) no earlier than Mon., June 12 (2-day penalty for early reservations). Confirmations, a map to the meeting place, and a list of needed supplies will be mailed as soon as possible after 8 registrations have been received.
Reservation Form – Bird Embroidery Workshop
(Summer, 2023)
Names of all participants__________________________________________________
Address(es)_____________________________________________ ZIP_____________
Entire series, new student ($100) ___________________________________________
Entire series, continuing student ($60)________________________________________
July 23 lecture only ($15)__________________________________________________
July 23 lecture plus “how-to” document ($25)__________________________________
Self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) enclosed?
Check for $_______ to SEA AND SAGE AUDUBON enclosed?
__________________________________ (No credit cards)