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Shipley Nature Center Accessible Event

October 21st 9:00 AM

Photo by Chris Byrd
Photo by Chris Byrd
Photo by Chris Byrd
Photo by Chris Byrd
Picture by Lena Hayashi
Picture by Lena Hayashi
Photo by Chris Byrd
Photo by Chris Byrd
Photo by Doug Lithgow
Photo by Doug Lithgow
Shipley Trail Map
Shipley Trail Map

Our first accessible birding outing of the fall will be to the Shipley Nature Center in Huntington Central Park West on Friday, October 21st at 9:00A AM.  This event is designed to accommodate both birders who prefer a slower paced event with minimal walking and for those who might want to venture out on a short, soft dirt trail.  We will set up our picnic tables just outside the entrance to the Shipley Nature Center, where there are plenty of shade trees and therefore plenty of birds.  It is a short distance on a paved walkway to the interesting interpretive center.  The interpretive center has handicapped bathrooms.  From the interpretive center, a soft wood chip path with <5% slopes, takes you past a Coast Live Oak grove, a meadow grassland, a Coastal Redwood forest and to a small pond.  We can break off a group that wants to take the path to the pond.  From the interpretive center to the pond is approximately 0.3 mile.  We will meet up together for brunch after birding (bring your own brunch).

Interested in learning more about Shipley Nature Center?  This website has a series of short panoramic views of the Nature Center and the trails: Shipley Nature Center

Have any questions?  Contact Sharon Rockwell at